
By HF1

Encore Production

We went to see a projected live version of War Horse at Strode Theatre- it was just as good as I had hoped and we both needed the hankies during and afterwards- felt quite traumatised , so beautifully done was it. I really liked the music which added to the poignancy. John Tams sang brilliantly. I'm a big fan of Michael Morpurgo and admire his 'Farms for City Kids ' project. When we used to holiday in the Isles Scilly he and his wife often opened the fete on Bryher- they have a holiday home there and some of his books are set in the Scillies. ( We didn't pay £4 for the programme as it was donation only but it's a great souvenir to keep.) The countryside driving back from street was magnificent lit by the nearly full moon.

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