Keith B

By keibr

Älandsbro - the main road, once upon a time

Busy day again today - cleaned a lot of windows and general clearing up. Then I went for a walk down to Älandsbro, our nearest village with a shop, petrol station etc.
It was a "cold front" day, or to put it another way a typical April day. The air was very fresh and clear. There was lots of blue sky, interspersed with puffy cumulus clouds, that suddenly grew into great dark clouds and threw a shower of icy rain our way. Then the sun came out again and dried everything out until the next shower.
I took the picture as I walked through Älandsbro. This road used to be the main North-South highway until the early 1970's! (Which matches the subject of the evening activities...)
I didn't make it all the way round the long road circuit because we were due at the theatre at 18:00 so Janet picked me up from the road and off we went to town.
Thomas Berglund was performing in a piece he has written about his own life. Two people are on stage the whole time, Thomas and a woman who is the storyteller, his mother (over a 70 year period!), a nurse etc. It involved stories from his childhood, about how his parents got together, his time in hospital as a 6 year-old, his later life and how he reached a certain closure. Thomas played a lot of folk dances on the violin, and some singing was involved. There was a lot of laughter and a little tragedy.
It made the audience realise how much life has changed in the last 65 years. Life for our parents, and their parents was so very different to life today. Life is far more comfortable today and in many ways better but along the way we've lost a few things too, not least a sense of community and solidarity!
OK, that's enough preaching from me...

(Walked 10 kilometers in 1hr 35 min)

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