Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

Ahti and Mauno on a pot

Ahti doesn't like sitting on a pot. Usually he at least gives a try if Mauno (the doll he got as a christmas gift) sits on a pot too.

Ahti still has strong feelings for our vacuum cleaner, but the spray bottle in the pic is his new love. Though the car safety seat we bought about two weeks ago seems to be even more fascinating. During the weekend he made his first ride on it, a few km journey to the grandparents. He wants to sit on the seat and observe it also at home, and when we put it away it causes a big cry.

The partial selective colouring was achieved by some sort of colour curve tool on RawTherapee. I dragged the curve down a bit.

P.S. Too bad I cut out A's toes by careless composition. Ouch.

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