Halbitzia Taminoides..

..Caucasian spinach. I was sent these seeds from a friend in Norway a couple of years ago. The seeds were potted up, and left outside over winter, and some germinated. I ended up with 6 healthy looking plants. Planted in a veg bed last summer, they didn't progress much. And inspecting the bed after the winter (after S had posted pictures of his plants growing), I couldn't see my plants, and thought I'd lost them. Pleased to report I have 4 good healthy plants now. They are climbing plants, and produce loads of leaves, which can be eaten like spinach. Not tasted it yet, but getting excited now..

S is in the process of getting a book published which I'm eagerly looking forward to.. I must admit, his salads look scrummy.. He has called his plants "Edimentals", edible and ornamental..

Busy today, the weather has been glorious. Finally fitted the check chains to the tractor, and then two sessions in the garden weeding and digging, broken up by a walk to the beach with G and T!!

17 kW on the solar panels today..

Music.. Always like a bit of Jackie..

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