Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Spreadsheet Jockey

A late blip tonight. Have been preparing for tomorrow nights competition at the Club. My competition secretary isn't able to make it so I'm covering. It will be the most heavily subscribed round this year too. I've been wading through dozens of emails with entry details and logging them for the records and to allow us to capture the marks awarded. Four hours solid tonight - and then the printer throws a benny…...

Got 100 entries to get through in 125 minutes tomorrow - Going to be an action packed evening. Because of the workload, we always opt now to have this round judged by the club members themselves rather than inflict this on a judge. Everyone gets their say (except on their own work of course).

Just when I'd got everything sorted, some late entries roll in. We don't want to put anyone off from entering, so we instead have a late entry fee. Closing date was Sunday. Can I take the extra fees as a special handling charge?

I also have to help a few tomorrow night that haven't grasped the rules on resolution constraints for digital projected images or how to achieve them. That'll add to the general panic ;-)

I may not get to blip tomorrow unless I squeeze it in earlier in the day.

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