The Invisible Gardener

Tipped up in Harrogate for lunch today and in crossing some parkland to where we had parked the car, came across this bin and gloves, for all the world as if the gardener was still there, but just invisible - instead of away for lunch.

Earlier we had followed in the footsteps (or tyre tracks) of the 1965 teenagers of my next book - to a cemetery in the Lake District village of Thornewaite, then the beautiful lakeside town of Keswick. In glorious sunshine we headed south through Ambleside to Windermere. It was our first time in the Lake District, and we were very much reminded of the West Highlands. Beautiful scenery and gorgeous stone houses, the land divided and sub-divided by dry stane dykes.

Then, finally, cross country to Harrogate (where I will return in July for my event with Anne Cleeves during the crime-writing festival), before pitching up in Leeds to dine with friends at Pudsey.

Now for a couple of days of concentrated research work.

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