My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Art appreciation

Long day today with a trip down to Greenwich for the introductory session for the next module of my MSc.
I had a bit of company this time though as Laura's doing a module too.

In truth I only really needed to be there for about an hour -and I was late- so while Laura had her full introduction session I had a wander around Greenwich Park and the market before settling in with a pint at the Admiral Hardy to watch Soccer Saturday and wait for Laura.
When she got there we had another look around the food and art stalls in the market before realising we were being a bit too relaxed...

We ended up having to run through underground stations trying to get back to Euston in time to get the train back to Shrewsbury, especially important as I had a night shift to get to. We made the train by about 3 minutes but then got delayed at Birmingham because somebody had been sick by one of the doors! I did just about make my night shift on time though.

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