
By lycerejo

Total lunar eclipse :-)

Set up alarm for 2:50 am Eastern to see the blood red moon at its peak (predicted for 3:07 Eastern). Everything looked foggy, so he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. No it wasn't his groggy eyes - but the cloud cover in Atlanta made for a foggy view out of his 45th floor room at the Marriott Marquis, downtown Atlanta. A telescope did not help either.

Bummed that he got a regular total lunar eclipse instead of a blood red one after carrying an SLR, a tripod and battery chargers on a tightly packed business trip, he rolled right into bed around 3:15 am... He was glad he did not dress up for the no-show (and that explains the silhouette :-)

BTW, that's the Suntrust building in downtown Atlanta in the background

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