
By TinyR


On Saturday, high on our agenda was visiting the Design Museum to see the Paul Smith exhibition. Panther really likes Paul Smith for a whole host of reasons, many of which aren't clothes related. He does of course own clothing/shoes etc by him but his interests run deeper.

When Panther first came to my flat, he remarked how much my spare room 'Wall of Lovely Stuff' reminded him of Paul Smith's shop in Nottingham. On visiting the store last year and on watching a documentary about Paul Smith, I saw exactly what he meant and I very much liked that someone else had equally lovely walls of equally lovely stuff.

One of the rooms in the exhibition is lined floor to ceiling on two walls with a collection of items from his 'lovely stuff'. There were so many beautiful gems, including a letter from a fashion student who loves, amongst other things, Paul Smith's face.

I chose to use this photo for my Blip because it was too hard to pick between the others that I took inside.

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