
A glorious day - blue skies and warm sunshine. We spent it in the garden. Some more new plants were delivered and duly planted. The garden furniture was given a good scrub down, and a little bit of bird watching (reciprocal) took place. We were expecting the winter to bring more birds into the garden, but not so, Maybe the mild winter with an abundance of fruit and insects kept them sustained. Many of the birds we have seen little of are now returning - Great Tits, Goldfinch, and even a flying visit from a Sparrowhawk. Both of us thought we caught sight of a Bullfinch in next door's Damson tree. I hope it returns. I miss the lovely birds we got in our old garden and would love to see them here.
Off to Longshaw tomorrow for the first of this year's official Natural History Society's monthly Midweek Fungi meetings, as distinct from our unofficial fortnightly visits. As usual, I'll aim to get there early to have a little look round for new bird arrivals above Padley Gorge.

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