at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Just chillaxing yo

I always think Ivy looks so 'gangsta' in this hat. She often wears in when in the carrier because it's tight fitting and she can't knock it off. There have been days in the past when various people in the village have had to put her hat back on her, because she's on my back and I couldn't reach. It's also a particullarly well put together outfit today I think- all very much in the same tone. Euan dresses Ivy at the start of each day whilst I lounge about in bed- altough I do buy lots of her clothes so her 'style' is very much like mine. I could if I so chose dress us in matching outfits each day (I have shorts just like these). I chose not to though- apart from straw cloche hats, we wear our matching hats and it's super cute!

My hospital grade electric breast pump arrived today so it's the start of anew regime of pumping after every feed and trying to fatten Ivy up with extra milk. We tried to give her milk out of her sippy cup and she was geniunly affronted by the fact it was not water, in the end we tried mixing it with some oats to give her porridge before we discovered she would actually take straight up milk off a spoon. She's spoon obsessed! Pops sent us a parcel today of stuff we'd left behind after our recent visit, which included a teeny tiny espresso spoon Ivy pilfered from a restaurant in Inverness. Ivy was incredibly pleased to have it back, when she's a bit older i'll make a drawer handle out of it so she can keep it for always.

Set up some pretty cool sensory play for Ivy to do with Euan today. She chased orange icecube fish round a box of water (or she did until she realised it was more fun to go right to the source and play with the icecubes that were still in the tray). Also filled a sandwich bag with paint and taped it to the floor for her to work on her art skills. I'll leave it there for a few days. Euan took a beautiful photograph of her playing with it, trying to persaude him to start a blip blog for the occasional gorgeous photograph he takes.

Another lovely weather day, did some more potting up. Have run of space in my coldframe, so some of the older plants have been turfed out into the cold tonight to see how they do (they've been out in the day up to now). I was just admiring the lovely salad seedlings that had come up in my beds in a lovely regimated grid since I made my own seed mats when next doors bloody cats dug them all up to use as a liter tray. I'm investigating water guns....

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