
I'm sleeping much better these days, actually, and things that keep me awake tend to be more like interesting, fun stuff such as DandiFest!

Money is still tight but at last we have enough to pay the bills and feed ourselves and I know that I will get paid regularly which is such a blessing. I noticed the moon looking rather glorious as I got up for a wee. Went back to bed, had a kip for a while and then woke with a head full of things that I need to do relating to the exhibition. And there's still just over a week to go before we set up!

So I got up, made my list, tried - and failed (sorry Eloise, sorry Robert) to sort out the wording and images for my bit of the Norwich Dandies website that's being put together by the very talented Robert. It really shouldn't be this difficult - hopefully it will come together this evening, after I've had a swim after work.

And then it's the Easter break! Off work until next Wednesday. Yet another thing to add to my list to give thanks for.

Time for another hour of sleep before it's time to get up.

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