I'm Packing

July 4th. Hmmm. Didn't feel like it. It's weird when you're used to a holiday and then you move and it doesn't exist. Where are my fireworks?

Organizing and packing today. Leaving tomorrow evening for a month long holiday to visit my family in the states. Starting with a few days with bro bluesheep in LA, then on to meet the rest of the fam in Wildwood, NJ for two weeks of surf and sun.

Finishing off the trip with a few days in the hometown, where I will be united with duaflex ttv, whom I met on the internet and have not seen in person. I think it's going to be a great relationship. She looked nice in the photo online.

Looking forward to seeing family and friends, the beach, the food, some hold'em, my duaflex, a break. Did I mention my duaflex?

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