
By Dudders

Deja Vous

Oh Dear. By the looks of it there are another couple of families facing a ruined Easter break and again that dreadful "Life Changing Injuries" phrase has made the SouthEast news.

At 9:30 this morning 2 lorries and 2 cars collided on the M26. The police closed the motorway in both directions; something like 7 ambulances along with both the Kent and Sussex/Surrey Air Ambulances were needed. Very quickly both the M20 and the M25 ground to a standstill as traffic quickly blocked back off the M26. By mid-morning the M25 was blocked back to Godstone with traffic trying to exit and go via the A22 and the A25. The junction was quickly grid-locked so traffic then started to go via the M23 and the A264 from Crawley to East Grinstead thence via the B2110 towards Tunbridge Wells.

My photo, taken just after 3:30 shows the main route through East Grinstead (the A22) jammed solid - a 10 minute journey to Sainsbury's look the better part of 50 mins. Crawley, normally a 15 minutes journey was taking well over an hour.

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