
By LaKwAtSeRa

Dandelion, dogs, kayak, and a private part...

I started the day quite shocked to see that I have used up all my allocated storage space in our file server. I checked my code and realized that i did not edit the parts where i did some unnecessary print outs. So the previous days runs where all wasted as all the jobs stopped in the middle of computation when it reached the maximum storage space. Of course, revised the codes and rerun the jobs again.

I wasnt really feeling well when i woke up today but i tried to get out and get some fresh air. I decided to cycle at around 430pm. A lot of people were up and about. Along my usual route, i saw fathers and sons playing football in the pitches, moms pushing their baby's buggies, ducks and dogs along the canal, longboats in operation usually run by old couples, men women and boys alike kayaking along the canal and rivers and the most striking part, a man flashing his genitals. ahahah i hope it is legal to talk things like these in blips!

Poor poor teens in kayak, they were in the front row seat when this man took out his .... Oh yes of course i saw it, i was on the other side of the river! so one could say that i was standing in the balcony when it happened :)

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