
By chantler63

Bluebell Woods

hereToo much of a good thing?

The bluebells are just coming into full bloom and the local beech woods are awash with these beautiful flowers. Their season is short but worth the effort of attempting to capture this sea of blue. You can view a few more images here.url]

There are just so many flowers (worthy of the Countless challenge) that the eye cannot take it all in. Too much of a good thing perhaps and fit for today's Shakespeare's Challenge?

Too much of a good thing
Meaning Excess may do you harm.
Origin The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations lists this phrase as proverbial and dates it from the late 15th century.
The earliest example in print is from Shakespeare's As You Like It, 1600:
ROSALIND: Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing?
Come, sister, you shall be the priest and marry us.
Give me your hand, Orlando. What do you say, sister?

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