Hippy Easter: Final episode

Mrs. Legodude (far left): 'Bombur, this is Sergeant Cragg from the Galactic Empire. Your compulsive eating and repeated theft of food has left us no choice. I tied you up so you can't run away when you hear what's going to happen'.

Bombur (second from right): 'Please don't let it involve The Atkins Diet'.

Sergeant Cragg (second from left): 'Listen up maggot. You are now a recruit in the Galactic Empire's Storm Trooper core. You will train physically and mentally until you turn from a fat slob of a dwarf to one of the Empire's finest. All food will be military rations. All training will be intense. Any attempt at desertion will result in your imprisonment.'

Bombur: 'Mummy I want to go home'.

Hippy (third from left): 'Boo, down with the oppressive military establishment. I've totally forgotten what's going on. Something about a chocolate giant being eaten by a fat rabbit. Groove on'!

Click here to start at episode 1

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