The true meaning of Easter

As we all know, this time of the year commemorates the first time that the baby Jebus ate solids after being born in Beflehem at Christmas. Jospeh was sent out to the shops by Mary to get some eggs, but being as it was Easter and everywhere was going to be shut down for a couple of days he couldn't find any real eggs for the first solid meal so he bought a gold wrapped one instead which he though looked pretty and matched the gold that one of the gypsies from the East had brought when Jebus was born. Mary was obviously fuming and shouted at Joseph so much that he left the marital home for three days and basicaly just slept, then on the third day he rose again and came back and everyone lived happily ever after. Amen.

Aren't I nice buying all this sugar for my work colleagues but I definitely won't eat it myself....

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