A Good Friday

Despite a very early morning awakening from Yogi the cat (around 4am), we've had exactly what we needed, a relaxing, stress free day. That said, the day didn't start well for Annie. Whilst I (Chris) carefully washed the fluff filter from the washing machine, Annie ignored the fact the front flap on the machine was patently open and set a load of washing in motion. I turned to see water quite literally being pumped out on to the kitchen floor and a giggling Annie helplessly unable to do anything to stop it through the laughs. Having eventually stopped the machine, Annie spent a good few minutes mopping up the floor before turning around to swipe Yogi's water bowl and deposit a further pond of water on the same floor area. Epic fail.

Jobs around the house have been accumulating recently so it was good to get the new bathroom cabinet up at last and the existing one relocated in the other bathroom. A mirror also went up on the wall as the drill and other key tools were out!

The girls are here with us this evening, after a tasty supper they've decided it was time to revisit the third Harry Potter film, very retro!!!

This little dandelion opened up as the sun crossed the garden this morning. I've been meaning to try a few things with the Lensbaby lens recently. This was one of them, using the lens with a narrow aperture and an extension tube so I could get a bit closer to the subject. It seems to have worked OK with a reasonable depth of field (f11) and a 20mm tube.

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