
By Leslabelle

Chocolate and flowers

Immensely busy day at work. Having only been back for 2 days I'm off after today for the long Easter weekend and there has been and still is to much to catch up on.

Never mind, I got though the day relatively unscathed. Thursday is always cake day at work and each week a different 'pod' of tables has to make/buy them. I managed to miss our week last week as I was away thankfully but they excelled themselves today and had an Easter theme hence these birds nest krispies - yum!

Had to go with OH to see his dad who was taken by ambulance to hospital again this morning after only being back out for a couple of weeks. Not sure what is wrong, maybe some sort of internal bleeding? Not sure but apparently his house was a mess as he'd been having 'accidents' all through the night all over the place!. Nice!!
When we got to the hospital he was nil by mouth and having a blood transfusion. The talk was that he'll have a camera down his throat over the next couple of days. It's only been about three weeks since I've seen him and he seems like a shadow of his former self. He's lost so much weight and he was a bag of bones anyway. Poor wee Dad-in-law. He's fading away.

On returning to the hospital car park a man and his young son tapped on the car window and presented me with a big bunch of flowers. He had bought them for his mother in the hospital but hadn't been allowed to leave them there so just decided to give them to the next female he saw in the car park which just happened to be yours truly!
Chocolate and flowers both in one day- a good one!

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