
By shannonkerley

The Horizon is all we have

Beautiful day of sleeping in late, which did wonders for my sickness. I'm feeling much better today, not 100% but much better.

We went to eat lunch first before walking around old town.

The old town here is like an actual fortress. Designed to get us lost I guess. We were stuck in the top of the city for about 45 minutes before we finally found our way out. Ancient Ibizans knew what they were doing. They built it so high up only the people willing to face about 500 steps with and incline equivalent to that of a mountain could make it to the top. Needless to say my legs are sore.

Back at the hotel we rested for a few minutes before heading to the beach for sunset. It was beautiful as always.

Then we went to dinner and I ate some tapas and fish. After dinner we went back to the hotel to sleep. Long day but a great day.

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