The Piano

Short version
A girl playing a piano in a tent on Portobello beach.

Long version
The story has already been better-blipped, but for those who may not be aware of the minutiae of life at Edinburgh’s seaside ......

When a piano tuner split up with his wife, he decided to set up home in a tent on Portobello beach, complete with all his worldly goods, including a piano. He was happy to let people come in to the tent to play, even if they played badly, and even if he wasn’t there at the time.

But the high heid yins at Edinburgh City Council were concerned for his safety, and sent the police to tell him it was illegal to camp on the beach. The last I heard, he had moved from the beach, leaving his piano behind, and was staying in a proper bricks and mortar house.

This young girl was playing the piano today in his deserted tent. I’d love to report that she was playing something grand like Bach, but it was ‘Do-Re-Me’. Though I don’t think the piano man would have minded.


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