Talk is cheep.

8:30pm and sitting at the dining table with Mrs theWeir after inhaling a tasty, nutritious meal. It was good we were really hungry.

Good Friday.

Much to be thankful for:

For Mrs theWeir, the weeWeir and wee-estWeir. And parents. And family-in-law. And astoundingly good friends. And sunshine. And a roof over our heads. And a warm bed to sleep in. And food for our bodies. And gainful employment that's mostly fun. And for air in my lungs and legs that work.

But most of all, I'm grateful that the broken pieces of my self-righteousness and the rags of my failings have been exchanged for a future and a hope that are not bound to experience, legacy or achievement. They are grace and peace - they are the stuff that my faith in Jesus is birthed from.
Good Friday.

The weeWeir is away for a sleepover with my parents tonight too, so we'll see how they all are in the morning!

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