Campervan smapervan

By blippinjournals

A chilly day at work

Well they say 'Let it snow' and it certainly did just that, non stop infact from last night all the way through to 6am. You can imagine my excitment at the prospect of driving 30miles to work at the crack of dawn, on a white road, with no road markings and if that was not enough, a road littered with abandoned cars from others who had also tried, but gave up so just decided to dump thier cars (when I say 'Dump' thier cars I mean literaly DUMP thier cars whereever they were at that particular moment, side of the road, single carriage ways duel carriageways, junctions, you name it I saw it this morning.) In fact as I drove down the A14 I even saw a snow man on the central reservation!!! Laughing at me as I crawled past at a staggering 35miles per hour.

It was not all bad news tho, when finally at work I did get to laugh at those drivers who at seeing all the many, many... vehilces attempt to drive up a particular hill on my patch, almost reach the top and then like dominoes slide back down to the bottom, much to the horror of the cars behind them, also attempting the imposible, then for some reason think 'I CAN DO IT' and attempt it only to... yes you guessed it, slide right back down again wheels screaching like everyone else.

back to the picture, whilst out defrosting my work car I could not help but take this on my phone.

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