
By StorksRock

Brunel's Viaduct

We walked a couple of the sections of the Capital Ring Walk today, starting at Richmond and finishing at Greenford, about 12 miles in total.

The section we walked was incredibly green - and mainly next to water, the Thames, or the River Brent/Grand Union Canal

This is the Wharncliffe Viaduct, built by Isambard Kingdom Brunel in 1838. Apparently Queen Victoria had her train stopped on the top of it so she could look at the view. We weren't able to check out the view from the top. However, we did walk under it and noted that it could do with a lot of TLC. A lot of bushes have taken root, and we also saw a huge drainpipe which was clearly intended to drain the upper level, but which had become detached. It's the same thing that happens on a house, but on a grander scale. You know you need to climb up there and push the downpipe back in place or you'll have a very damp wall.... Network Rail have work to do.

It was a great day out and we'd like to complete the whole ring, so there will be further blips from time to time.

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