Ears to Friendship and Happiness

It's been a very mixed day, mainly brilliant but tinged with sadness.

I came home to a letter from a stranger telling me that a friend had died . Norma was the Mum of Lenny. Lenny was my friend that died in 1990 and me and Norma have pen palled for 24 years since . We rarely met up but kept linked with each other's lives. There was a definite bond and constant and it never changed from hand written letter to emails despite the huge presence of the internet .

Lenny had no siblings so to Norma I was in some small way keeping his memory alive . To me she was like an auntie , she has supported me through bad times and good times. We have always been there simmering away on each other's back burner . It's sad she has gone , it's the end of an era . She will now be back with her only child . RIP Norma x

As is always my wont with life I think there is no answer other than to live fully. Which we have done today .

I could write a whole blog about our Parkrun's 4th birthday party today ; cake, running, celebration and community.

I could write a whole blog about the old fashioned fair me and Lottie went to which involved steam trains and Easter egg hunts.

I could write a whole blog about how my friend Ziggy, blipped here, and how he is so tough because he has completed Marathon De Sables last week( for those that don't know , its 151 miles across the Sahara, in 50 degrees , limited water and carrying an 8kg back pack ) . I could talk about how very few people manage that race . I could write about how he is a man of steel. I could do all that , but I think the picture speaks for itself. Enjoy your Easter beers Zig. You have earned them

Happy Easter all of you Xxx

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