Danebury Hillfort

When we walk Murphy we are not brave enough to let him off of the lead.

When we took him to training earlier this year we were advised to take him to an enclosed field and let him off. We were told to then ignore him but to praise him whenever he returned.

With his treat bag full of treats we went to Danebury Hillfort as we knew that there was an enclosed area for dogs.

You'll need to go large to look at the view

Murphy loved it and met lots of other dogs.

We then walked up to the Hillfort with Murphy on his lead. Dogs aren't allowed in the fort but you can walk around the outside edge.

We met a gentleman that we had talked to earlier with his Scottish Setter, Setti. She was the same age as Murphy but much larger. He had just completed the loop of the hill fort as we were considering starting. He walked there every day and he suggested that we let Murphy off and Setti would show him round. We did just that and the two played together as we walked the loop. It was great to see the two together.

My mum would have been 95 today

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