
By JanPatienceArt

Us the critics

My much laboured-over review of the biennial Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art, more commonly known as GI.
It was in today's Herald Arts supplement.
There was so much to write about... I barely scratched the surface.
I probably ponder over these pieces more than I should. My husband comes from a corporate place and often shakes his head in disbelief at the amount of time I take in a) visiting and b) writing these reviews.
In an era in which comment is free and everyone is a citizen journalist it seems daft to labour in such a way. But labour I do.
The same is true for many of my colleagues.
There's a night out for the Herald arts hacks next Friday night and I'm sure this will be a taking point. The Herald has even started up a 'You the Critic' strand, which invites readers to send in reviews of arts events.
One of our (incredibly experienced) number of a pensionable age hops on the megabus so she can reach her destination and review as required.
Anyways, GI is replete with cutting edge art which will make you cry, laugh and howl at the moon. I love the fact that it's there.
More power to its elbow.

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