
By weewilkie

bow to the light

Up and out early this morning, making use of the car I've a loan of.

I was out among the lambs and power-lines; the hawks, chaffinches, thrushes, wrens and swallows. The grass was still wet with dew. The sun fighting its way through the clouds. Droplets caught the sudden breakthrough of light. If I bent low enough, if I changed the angle I looked at them, then I got this wee light show.

Stomp away to a martial beat in your ear-buds if you like, but you are trampling through these micro-worlds in each footstep.

It's not enough just to walk around looking. You have to change the angle you are looking from now and again. It's a way of seeing. There are worlds within worlds at the tilt of a head, a kneeling stoop, a backward lie. These multitudes of vision moment by moment.
Sometimes it takes you to stop, prostrate yourself in perfect geometry. Nature's trigonometry is at play, you might just catch Sohcahtoa erupting into splendor. You might just feel a bit of an eejit, but - shake off the Self script- that's part of the humility you need to see the light.

And on this Easter Sunday of strong sunlight that arcs across the protractored sky you can bend to each moment and, maybe, catch your own angle.

Here endeth the sermon.

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