Agfa Isolette


Raining from the outset today, so I've resorted to an indoor picture.

Last Monday, I mentioned that I had a few days holiday in prospect and that I was extending the concept to my Blipping activities - i.e. no posting for a few days. But not just yet!

I'm going to use the "rest" to go back to the days of film and the Agfa Isolette is one of the cameras I shall be using. It dates back to the 1950's, but I've had it about 15 years.
It is in lovely condition, has a (quite respectable) Solinar f/3.5 lens and takes 120 roll film.

As you would expect, digital has meant that it has spent most of its time in the cupboard, but it will be good to give it an outing or two. I'll post some of the results in my Blipfolio in due course.

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