A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Easter Feast

A long and lovely lazy Easter Sunday.

The weather kept us indoors but there were a few bursts of activity to break up the feasting: a table tennis tournament, the cooking of a fine roast lamb lunch with many trimmings and the writing of a few clues for the hunting of chocolate bunnies for the kidlings. And a Jerry and Margot moment when Carlos and I headed into the garden to dig up leeks for lunch.

The kids have played many many games and we have done a lot of chatting.

And now we are watching some Fawlty Towers with the kids. You know how sometimes you think things are really funny and you rewatch them and they disappoint. It turns out that FT is the opposite - somehow even funnier than we remembered it. And joyously appreciated by all.

I'll be a little sad to go home tomorrow.

Lesley x

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