Gaia's Child

By maura143

Easter Visitors

Busy day at our feeders. This Pileated Woodpecker is the first one I've seen chowing down this season. They've been flying through the trees for the past couple of months but don't usually begin eating at the feeders until nesting time begins so...fingers are crossed that they bring their offspring to the feeder later in the season like they did last year!

Another happy sighting today was the female (?) Gray Catbird. I think I also spotted a male in the shadows...fingers again crossed! Catbirds are rather secretive birds about the size of a Mockingbird. They spend much of their time on the ground and in low shrubs searching out grubs, worms and berries. They get their name from their call, which...surprise...sounds like a cat mewing! Here's a shot of the CATBIRD.

The Downy Woodpecker pair hung around the feeder most of the morning. HERE'S a shot of the female.

And, of course, no day would be complete without the appearance of the Bluejays. I love their Energy and their Raucous Calls! BLUEJAY:)

Turns out what I thought was food poisoning was actually a stomach virus. After four days I'm finally feeling well enough to join the land of the living, although I'm still rather weak. That sucker threw me down and stomped on me! Ugh!

A Joyous Easter to All!

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