
Drove home from Darlington. Had time to unpack, have a cup of tea and relax slightly before we went round to Rachel's for dinner. Ross had made pistatsio, a Greek pasta dish that my parents neighbour used to make for us when I was a kid. Ross did well, but it didn't come close to the original, and that is no slight on Ross because I have never been able to reproduce that dish either.

Maybe it's simply not possible because memory has elevated it to a status that it doesn't really deserve? A bit like visiting your favourite childhood holiday town (Weymouth for me) and discovering it is a bit of a dump really and yet you have such fond memories of it.

Played a new game last night. Linkee. Played in pairs and Diana and I won. Good fun game that got everyone involved.

As Simon is doing maths at university, I introduced him to the Monty Hall problem. Like everyone else, he initially got it wrong but very quickly understood the rationale behind the explanation for the correct answer. Andrew on the other hand just could not get it and ended up doing the equivalent of taking his ball home and refusing to play. Maybe I shouldn't have tried so hard to explain it. I can be persistent :-)

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