
By intothehills


Alauda Arvensis.
These fantastic little birds are one of the iconic sounds of Spring out on the moorland. Hovering in the air their calls are spectacular. On the ground their camouflage makes then hard to see - unless like this little fellow they're perched on a rock or bush taking in some rays.
I was appalled to read that Skylarks are now on the RSPB's red list for being endangered - apparently their population in the UK fell by 50% in the 1990's due predominantly to changes in modern farming practise. It seems that yet another thing that was taken for granted for so long could soon be gone. There are little things that we can do to change these situations - but the need for farming to be more productive is, in this case, a big driver. Perhaps the best thing to do is to appreciate these fantastic little creatures whilst we still can.

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