unfinishing touch

Seeing as wondrous modern technologies mean that it's only necessary for a minimal skellington staff from our team to be physically present in the office over the two primary holiday-request weeks of the winter festive period it's odd that someone bothered to fish the tree out of the drawer and the decorations out of the box seeing as hardly anyone will be about to gaze upon it. Rather than adding festive cheer it's more likely to remind the people gazing upon it how irritating it must be to be in an office rather than out and about like most other people. It'll only have to be taken down again, too, further adding to the "well, that's that over again for another year"-ism often associated with the disassociation of a christmas tree from its decorations and the stowage of both. At least decorations in our bit of office are limited to that tree, a few cards and a couple of toy reindeer when some departments have covered every available shelf and cabinet with tinsel and bits of plastic holly, possibly as a reaction to the edicts issued every year requesting that people don't plug in stupid flashing lights, partly because they look stupid in an office and are mightily distracting and mostly because they won't have had little electrical-inspection stickers applied to their plugs.

Despite having little photographic evidence of it I managed to get out for a walk at lunchtime sufficiently early to be able to donate some blood, freeing up tomorrow morning for other purposes. I didn't manage to leave in time to be able to get anything done at the end of the day, though did find a couple of empty paper boxes which I stuck under my desk for retrieval at some point over the weekend to be loaded with stuff to be sneaked into the parent loft-space next week. I didn't get everything done but I'm sure I'll find a few minutes at some point over the next couple of weeks to log in and poke at it before the start of next month. It's one of those tasks which takes five minutes to perform manually and a couple of hours to get into a semi-automated state so that it'll only take the same amount of time to run but can be scheduled to run without human intervention before the working day starts on the first of the month. It'll probably depend on how pathetically slow my dad's internet connection is being as he now has my old 19" monitor which is much easier to do work-work on than a 15.7" laptop screen.

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