
By katickles


I was out with the other half near Drummuir, trying some different angles of shots of an old ruined cottage. I suspected on of those would be my blip for today. UNTIL THIS HAPPENED :D

This isn't even vaguely sharp, but I'd set my focus point for the bottom 'zone' for the cottage and it was so split second there wasn't time to move it. A pheasant had been taunting me - I could hear him calling, but he wasn't showing himself. Then all of a sudden there was a rustling, and 2 beautiful tiny stoats dashed out of the gorse! (We weren't sure if they were stoats or weasels at the time, but with the dark tails we went for stoats) They dashed across the road, and I suspected they were gone, but they dashed back, through the grass, back onto the road and straight towards Ed, who I feared might have missed them. He was luckier than me it turned out, as you can see one right in front of him; the second one stopped right beside him, then brushed past his leg! Very special moments.

I did catch the pheasant afterwards, and it's a far better shot, but a pheasant blip can wait until another day!

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