Easter Monday at Siikaneva

Today we had a hike in Siikaneva, a boreal minerotrophic open wetland in Ruovesi - it's about one hour drive from Pirkkala. We had my sister's daughter Ilona with us, and Sami the dog too, of course.

Siikaneva is the largest continuous wetland area and the most significant wetlands conservation area in the Tampere region. There are numerous lovely wooded islands in the peat bog.

We followed the duckboard trail across the open bog to the sightseeing spot with a fire place. A funny co-incidence was that right after us, Sami's uncle's (Sakke) family arrived to the fire place too. So lots of people from Pirkkala on-the-spot. The weather was brilliant.

We have visited Siikaneva couple of times before and I really love the place. Both Ilona and Leevi took plenty of photos with me.

The album

+16° C, semi-cloudy. 17458 steps.

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