
By OldTimer

Patchwork Poppies

Well yesterday I had not stopped to think that it was my 100th blip so was really delighted to know that I had made it. Many thanks to all you kind people that commented. It feels like quite an achievement yet some of you have made in the thousands.
Today has been quite a day I knew it was going to be busy but hadn't factored in visitors. This morning a lovely young girl who lived beside me for the first 20 years of her life and now works in Auckland turned up for a cuppa how nice was that. Tonight as I was finishing the lawns another special person turned up which meant no blip as when she went it was dark.
So my blip is a piece of patchwork I did last year, For those interested it is all twin needling and was more than thankful when I achieved it.

Am now packed and almost organised apart from camera gear to head north first thing in the morning to The National Convention of Photography. I will be away for a week so will try to keep up with my blipping but may get be hind with commenting. Bear with me and will catch up when I get back

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