Good morning Mr. Sunshine

You brighten up my day...I don't care if it dates me, I love them.

9:00 am...not the brightest sunshine ever but definitely the faintest makings of a sun dog. Camera, of course, didn't pick up as much prismatic color as there actually was.

My to-do list is super long today, all sewing and hard-drive maintenance related with a bit of snow removal thrown in to make sure I don't sprout roots in this chair.

A thin, freshening coat fell overnight, covering up all the dirty, schmeggy snow. It looks beautiful and is still coming down a bit.

These neighbors of mine need to get back from Kenya so they can shovel their own snow, dust their car, move their car, clear their alley parking pad and pull their car back in. I don't mind, really, maybe I'll run into the cute weatherman neighbor again while I'm out there.

Edit to worrywart family: it's not that cold out today (-3 or so) and I am dressed for going out; long silk undies, long down coat, several hats, thick gloves, the works. I love being outside when it's like this and I'm heading out now cause it finally stopped.

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