
By Technophobe

Pretty Green.

Today I went shopping in Birmingham for the first time in about ten years,with my elder son, middle offspring, for a birthday present for him from his favourite clothes shop, alluded to in the title above. He got a shirt and a t shirt, and a nice lunch.

It'll probably be about ten years before I go again, even though it's only about twenty miles and an easy train journey away. Too busy, too noisy and too many people.
This is a photo of the Selfridges building on the left,completed in 2003 at a cost of £60 million,and the Church of St Martin in the Bull Ring on the right, Victorian but the site of a church since 1263.

The Selfridges building received several awards, including the RIBA award for architecture in 2004. It is covered with 15,000 Anodised Aluminium discs on a blue background.

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