
By HF1

Open wide!

Back to earth with a bump this morning as I had to be at the dentist in Lytchett Matravers by 9:10 for a filling. Here is my dentist Dr G. P Visser and assistant before I climbed reluctantly into the chair! Actually he is very skilful but it's never my favourite appointment.

Things improved with a visit to the hairdresser next and this evening we shot back down to Dorchester for a lecture at The Thomas Hardye School by Dr Iain Stewart grandly entitled 'Active Faults and Ancient Places: Archaeseismology in the Aegean'! He really is as engaging as on tv and the lecture linked ancient places like Delphi to being deliberately placed on fault lines. He was very patient with questions at the end even answering a young lad's request to identify a rock he had found even though he could only label it as metamorphic.

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