Dial N for Nuts

So I did say I'd make a bit of effort for 1500…

Thanks to everyone who's supported, commented, hearted and starred my images over the years. Blip is a great place to learn and truly experiment knowing you'll get friendly feedback and only the most constructive criticism. Its an amazing place to meet people from all over the globe. I've been very lucky to hook up with some true talents and be involved with the set up of Elephant Gun, international photography collective, which continues to inspire.

Thanks to all my long suffering models as well. The squirrels in this image actually did do all the things you see here. They are not photoshopped into position or scripted, much like Mike Leigh actors, I just provide the set, wait and watch, then edit the results to maximise the illusion.

Conblipulations to me and thanks to you all!

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