
By cowgirl

Poorly again

I was invited for a catch up coffee and cake session with Jo and Fossey after work today. Jo told me that Fossey has been being sick on and off lately. She's been starved and fed bland food but will be taking a trip to the vets if she's no better by Friday.

I'm on doggy daycare tomorrow as I will finish work sooner than Jo, so hoping she'll be up to going for a little walk.

Happy birthday Mr Shakespeare!

Happy St George's Day!

( There's more going on to mark William Shakespeare's 450th birthday than there is to mark our patron saint's day, but as was pointed out on Radio 2 this morning, if Ian ' Beefy ' Botham couldn't get the day marked as a special day, no-one can. Here's a thought though - why don't we make William our patron saint? At least he's English! )

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