oh hell.

By lulubee

a good old fashioned chili cook-off

today, at the tender age of 27, i went to my first official chili cook-off ever! i know this is like a mortal sin if you live in texas, but the only other one i've known about was the chilympiad in San Marcos where i went to college. (translation, just another excuse for frat boys to do keg stands).

this one was no joke. there were two categories, herbivore and carnivore. first place in each won 100 bucks, second place won 50 ...my brother in law entered and he made some of the best chili i've ever had, i ended up getting two bowls. also my friend Rashad from work entered, he's only made two batches of chili in his entire life. he won second place!

it was all for a good cause too, going to the Child Crisis Center.

all of these festivities with friends & family put me in a good mood, which i really need now more than ever. i just agreed to attend a meeting on my day off tomorrow, and it will center around my work relationship with a coworker who i'm positive has a bifurcated tail.

wish me luck!

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