
My aunt Robyn, or Robbo as some people call her, has a wonderful holiday house in Wanaka we occasionally use.

I was there last week and picked the fruit from some of her cherry trees, packed it, made a label and sent it today to the Bay of Islands where she is holidaying for Christmas so she can enjoy her first crop. I suspect, regardless of how they taste, she'll really enjoy them!

Dropped the rest of the family off at the airport today, and then into work. A very busy day and 2 just the same ahead, and then several weeks off. Thankfully!

How busy I am when I get back depends on some "brinkmanship" I played today. I responded to our 98% potantial client; we both have to make some concessions to be able to work together. I made some on price, now I need them to make some philosophically. If they do we'll work together, if not we'll both move on. And that's OK.

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