Mrs Brown's girls

By Jenbrown83

Birthday parties

This is you all ready for your first birthday party of the day - Albert Brown's 4th birthday party at the Wacky Warehouse. Albert is a friend from school - although after meeting his family today it turns out he has a bit of a crush on you and you're well known among his family and friends. Albert's mum confessed that you were the first person on his guest list, the only girl from nursery at the party and he'd been asking all morning if you were coming to the party. It was very cute watching you both together - he followed you round everywhere, holding your hand and giving you confessed he sometimes pinches kisses too! Do I already need to be worried?!

The afternoon brought Ben's birthday party - and another two hours of soft play fun at Mister Twisters, this time with Niamh in tow too...all followed by a long nap for the two of you (and a welcome break for Mammy!)

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