in kemnay

we went off to kemnay tonight to see my favourite yes campaigner, ivan mckee from business for scotland talk about the finances of scotland. the reason he's my favourite campaigner is because he's not party affiliated and he knows what he's talking about when he says that scotland is wealthy enough to go it alone. he takes the statistics and shows us where the uk's wealth is generated and where it is spent. the figures are shocking, and not benefitting scotland like they could.

my sister, pictured here, filmed ivan - you can view his presentation here. it's worth a look, go on, have your eyes opened.

this is the first of two referendum events I'm going to this week. gillian is also representing women for independence at an aberdeen university event on thursday night (macrobert building, 7pm) and I'll be there to support her and maybe do some national collective stuff too.

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