Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Lemon flowers.

What a pity I can't share the heady perfume of the lemon flowers with you blippers!

Dream 3.
This one is crazy!
I discovered my computer monitor had shrunk to a 10x10 cm screen. Then the penny dropped.... it had been removed and I could guess who had it.
I climbed up and into a window, (why not the stairs?) so I must have been on a lower floor.
I saw "our" secretary and asked her about it. She replied that evidently "someone needed it" and I knew full well who that was because he has a habit of borrowing my anything.
Then I saw him, my husband, walking regally down a staircase wearing a red skirt and high heels. he looked rather like his sister when she was young and slim.

I told him about the dream.

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