at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


This is my little footstool troll playing peek-a-boo with me. It was very funny.

She slept beautifully again last night- only two wakeups for food. After getting up for porridge and an early morning play with Euan she went for a nap in her cot and I had to prod her awake before 9 so we could run round the village trying to get a postage label for a parcel printed. Euan was meant to be doing it, but he was too busy this morning so we went to the Library instead and owed them the printer money for later.

Her morning nap was again in her cot without a peep and lasted two hours, and she went down just as well in the afternoon. Her sleeping well makes my life much easier- got the kitchen worktops properly cleared and made some pretty little oragami seed pots.

In the afternoon we went back to the Library to pay for our printing and Ivy had a romp about. She sat herself on the knee of a 6 year who was reading a book and looked at them expectantly. We also practised her stairclimbing skills this afternoon- she can go up but not down. We'll keep working on it.

When Euan got home, he got an icelolly that Ivy and I had made for him earlier (natural yoghurt ith mango and peach pieces in it- Ivy licked the spoon to check to check the flavour balance whislt we filled the moulds) Ivy shared the lolly with him and made a proper mess of her face. It's a stressfull time of year in high schools just now so Euan needed cheered up so went and had a chippy on the front- Ivy had some slivers of fish meaning she's had her first chip shop meal. He also got to have a bath to unwind in, with an Ivy for company. She was very amused by having a bath with him, but she did keep trying to grab hold of his netherregions as something interesting she's never seen to play with before. I think future daddy-daughter baths might require trunks purely from a safety point of view. She has a rather strong grip....

i've just opened the door to a fisherman with a sandwich bag of fresh caught scallops. This evenings task is to work out what to do with them :)

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