One step at a time!

By IanO

Cloud watching :-)

Back to the forest again today, hardly a soul about. As I pulled up in the car park a little old lady pulled in at the same time, we entered the forest together. I estimate she was a sprightly 92 years old, she had a lovely black labrador with her. She set off at a healthy pace so not wishing to appear a wimp I tried to match her but very quickly lost ground and watched her disappear into the distance!

I really do enjoy rambling about in the peace and quiet, listening to the beautiful birdsong echoing through the trees. I apologise for Blipping the same Trig point two days running but at least you have a much nicer subject today in the shape of Suzy. She was quite happy to pose for me but got a bit bored (whilst I was faffing about with the camera) so she started watching the clouds go by :-)

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